ISSN : 2277 -7601

"An International Indexed & Peer Reviewed Quarterly Journal in Agriculture and Sciences"

web-based Editorial Management System

National Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2024

Aims, Vision & Objectives


Multilogic in Science (Journal for Applied science) aims to publish original research in all aspects of Applied science


The vision of Multilogic in Science(Journal for Applied science) is to disseminate widely the latest findings and scientific advances among the scientists, researchers and academicians.


Multilogic in Science(Journal for Applied science) is to be a leading source of scholarly research papers through the promotion of research publication.
One of the important objectives is to make research papers and scholarly articles available free of cost to all users.
The next objective of Multilogic in Science(Journal for Applied science) is to create avenues for promotion and publication of research papers about and from social, economically and culturally weakened sections of the society across the world.
Multilogic in Science(Journal for Applied science) attempts to make research publication hassle free to ensure sharing of knowledge in due time.